The 11th Digest: Qnode.Defi: HOTBIT LISTING POOL

Qnode Protocol
2 min readMay 19, 2021


Hi Qnodians
The development team want to list Qnode.Defi to Hotbit Exchange. But, there shall be a listing pool to it. The Qnode Protocol team will mint 25 QND per every $1 donation to the listing pool. A total share of 800,000 QND shall be pooled for this distribution.

Therefore, We invite community to our predetermined Hotbit listing. We are already in discussion to list Qnode.Defi to Hotbit Exchange. This shall cost $32k. Part of the listing pool funds shall go for fees and part for market making. Only interested participant are invited to make this donation.

If you have not read the 10th Digest, Click here to read


A user who is willing to participate must follow the following guidelines.
#1. Using any of this compatible wallets (e.g TrustWallet, SafePal or MetaMask), Send BUSD or USDT (BEP20) OR USDT (TRC20) to the donation address on this page:

Donation Address (BEP20 NETWORK) FOR BUSD & USDT:

Donation Address (TRC20 NETWORK) FOR USDT:

Minimum Donation: $100 (in BUSD or USDT)
Maximum Donation: $5000(in BUSD or USDT)

#2. The User will be distributed QND at this rate: 25 QND/$.
A donation of $100 equals 2,500 QND
A donation of $1000 equals 25,000 QND
A donation of $5000 equals 125,000 QND.

We shall halt the donation upon when 32,000 USD is reached. And payout shall be on first come first serve.

Announcement on Web:

From the Team:

We appreciate all who have trusted us since the official launch of Qnode Blockchain and committed funds to the Qnode Protocol development. We have been here long enough and the delivery of the protocol goals is top priority. We shall meet every fit. And other products are being develop already.
Stay tuned



Qnode Protocol
Qnode Protocol

Written by Qnode Protocol

We are an evolving tech development comprising of Qnode Blockchain & its DeFi Layer on Avax C-Chain & Staava EVM for Incentivized Nodes & Algorithmic Governance