QnodeCoin Listing & Qnode.Defi Updates for February

Qnode Protocol
3 min readFeb 6, 2021


Hi community, We have a few announcement base on listing, Defi reschedule for Defi launch and maintenance. I will start with Defi reschecule.

The Qnode.Defi inter-chain governance protocol will have further delays for launch. In our developments, We are 100% ready to launch Qnode.Defi on the Ethereum Platform. But the recent ethereum fees, has made us to re-focus our development towards Binance Smart Chain. Below was our team previous progress on the ethereum chain and Uniswap (Testnet).

Therefore, We are moving to BSC for development. We have not started the process yet. But soon we will start developing the Qnode.Defi (QND) for Binance Smart Chain. We plea with all community members that they be patient for the development to go smooth and in our way. We will try to save time but we cannot give the specific time for the release. We shall commence on BSC testnet and considers the applicable DEXEs like pancake swap, phoswap.

Read more on Qnode.Defi here: https://defi.qngnode.cc

SWOP.FI has just launched yesterday on the waves protocol. We look forward to build the waves side of QNC on the swop.fi DEX when the documentations for integration are made public by the waves protocol…

We are listing to BITSTEN.COM. Its a good CMC exchange and Indonesian based since late 2017 and voting Listing have started. And our team has spent over $350 in vote listing. We call on all community members to join in the process for this listing. Bitsten is a good exchange and it will help populate QnodeCoin more in Indonesia as our indonesia community are preparing for trade. Pending when We are listed on the Exchange, we hope to enable QNC/ETH, QNC/BST, and QNC/IDRT.

join the vote for QnodeCoin: https://exchange.bitsten.com/vote and thanks for Supporting the Qnode Blockchain. Together, We make the blockchain great. It all started as boothstrap (we did not raise money) and it will remain so.

Currently, there is over 350,000 QnodeCoin on Wavesplatform. check the mainnet distribution here: http://dev.pywaves.org/assets/4wLYwGEYPnhV8d3EFbmkbzGKyLKSZmaZUqkDAXumidQv
We shall be having down time for gateway and explorer site soon and it can take some days. The reasons is that we intend to switch our host from vultr to contabo. There has been several interruptions from their end. So let move to new servers and host. Any swap on gateway will be resolved manually if you have any issues. And contact t.me/qnode01 on telegram to resolve or send a mail to us: helpdesk@qngnode.cc

GATEway links: https://wavesgw.qngnode.cc/
EXPLORER link: https://explorer.qngnode.cc

lastly, QnodeCoin is now listed on ihostmn hub and its aggregates correctly from there. Visit here for every information you would need:

Read more articles on this medium on how to deploy a masternode on the Qnode Blockchain: https://link.medium.com/PAzzyht8Hbb

Unbehalf of the QNG & DEV team, Gratitude to you all.



Qnode Protocol
Qnode Protocol

Written by Qnode Protocol

We are an evolving tech development comprising of Qnode Blockchain & its DeFi Layer on Avax C-Chain & Staava EVM for Incentivized Nodes & Algorithmic Governance

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